Browse Items (46 total)

One Way (editorial cartoon).gif
An employer speaks to her female servant about her clumsiness and her wages. The servant responds wittily and in kind.

Two Servants - Wanted
19th-century British advertisement for a cook and a nursemaid to serve a "Small Private Family".

Servants Doing the Laundry.jpg
Black and white photo of two female servants doing the laundry.

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Ireland Curraghmour House.jpg
Group photo of the household staff at Curraghmore House in County Waterford, Ireland. The house was (and still is) owned by the De La Poer Beresfords. Note the powder on the hair of the footmen.

Colonial servant-galism.jpg
A woman seated at a table interviews a woman, who is standing, for a position as a servant.

Duty to Domestic  Help.pdf
An editorial from the Chicago Daily Tribune urging employers to provide fair treatment and conditions to domestic servants proposing that if servants are treated better more people would choose this job.

A guidebook on how to serve at table, clean boots, address employers and their guests. All the aspects of the position of Footman

Buttering her Heels.jpg
A dialog between a mistress and a kitchen maid where the maid misunderstands her mistress' pronunciation of "eels" for "heels"

Agnes Bruxner, a governess, tutors Miss Gouley who's reading a book
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